... organizing committee. She said her fellow residents responded well to her simple message: They too had children and grandchildren, and would want them to grow up among the forests and the waterfalls, free ...
... biases of the tribunal.
This loss for OceanaGold set in motion the second victory. OceanaGold responded to its ICSID loss with arrogance and contempt. It did not pay the $8 million in fees that the tribunal ...
... – they just didn’t lose, there’s a difference. At the end of the day there is no corresponding mechanism for these communities to hold corporations legally accountable for their abuses. It’s a one-way ...
... on the Legislative Assembly to respond to civil society’s demand.
The struggle for a mining ban is not new to El Salvador, with communities and civil society organizations first raising the issue in 2004. ...
... the social arm of OceanaGold in the country, because it does not make sense for it to continue working if the corporation does not have any commercial activity.
Officials at the foundation did not respond ...
... they disappear and there is no one to respond for the damages caused, "he said.
Margarita Posada, Coordinator of the National Health Forum (FNS), said that the population cannot forget the contributions ...
Tomás Guevara / Washington correspondent : El Diario de Hoy
The conflict between Pacific Rim mining, a subsidiary of the transnational Oceana Gold, could continue as the company not only has delayed ...
... to ban mining and over 99% of respondents have voted to continue the ban on mining. In Didipio in the Philippines locals blockaded drilling equipment and an appeal has been made to President Duterte to ...
... and feasibility studies, successive governments of Antonio Saca and Mauricio Funes denied permits.
The government rejection of Pacific Rim-OceanaGold also responds to scientific and economic data that ...
... and environmental consequences of mining in El Salvador, an already water-stressed country, and leaders and organizations began to express concerns. The firm responded by filing a claim under the CAFTA ...