By Cory Greeless

At noon today, March 13, 2013, Vidalina Morales spoke to the Environmental Law Club of the University of Victoria, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

An audience of university students, social justice activists, and community members listened attentively to Vidalina's remarks about mining in El Salvador. 


With slides and pictures, Vidalina explained the devastating consequences of big mine developments in El Salvador and neighbouring countries.

The unjust law suits brought against El Salvador by Pacific Rim and Commerce mining companies were explained
Vidalina described the extreme violence, including murder, that has accompanied mining projects in El Salvador. 
We saw photographs of the martyrs: Marcelo Rivera, Ramiro Rivera and Dora Alicia Sorto and felt great sorrow about the circumstances of their death. 
Like most of the audience, I was deeply moved by Vidalina's presentation. As a member of the Mining Justice Action Committee, in Victoria, I can say many 
Canadians stand in solidarity with the people of El Salvador. The injustice of multi-national mining companies exploiting the resources of Latin American countries,
for their own profit, to the detriment of local communities and the natural environment is very clear. I'm very glad Vidalina could come to Canada and we hope to 
keep contact with MESA and do what we can here.